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Terms and Conditions

Citywide Financial’s website and the use of information on it is subject to the following Terms and Conditions. By proceeding you will be deemed to have accepted these Terms & Conditions. Should this not be acceptable to you, you should exit the site now. Information contained on this website is in accordance with and subject to the laws of the Republic of Ireland. The laws of the Republic of Ireland govern the conduct and operation of this website. The courts in the Republic of Ireland have exclusive jurisdiction over claims or disputes arising in relation to, out of, or in connection with the Terms and Conditions of use of this website and the information contained within it. While care has been taken in the preparation of the information contained in this website, the information is of a general nature and users should not solely rely on any information contained in it in relation to a specific issue, without taking financial, investment, banking or other professional advice. The information in this website is not provided and should not be used in any jurisdiction where accessing or use of such information is prohibited, whether in the format in which it is presented in this website or any other format. The information contained in this website does not constitute an offer or solicitation of investment, financial or other services by RHCLD Limited trading as Citywide Financial Solutions or by any member of the company. Information contained in this website is subject to change and to being updated without notice from time to time. Messages and information passing over the Internet may contain interference by third parties and should be independently verified. You should not disclose data over the Internet unless you have satisfied yourself as to the security of the technology and/or encryption. No member of RHCLD Limited trading as Citywide Financial Solutions (or any other person involved with the provision & maintenance of this website) takes any responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided in this website and use of such information is at the user's sole risk. No member RHCLD Limited trading as Citywide Financial Solutions accepts any liability for any loss or damage of any nature including but not limited to loss of profits, goodwill or any type of financial or other pecuniary or direct or special indirect or consequential loss howsoever arising, whether in negligence or for breach of contract or other duty as a result of use of or reliance on the information contained in this website, whether authorised or not. RHCLD Limited trading as Citywide Financial Solutions makes no representation or warranty or undertaking of any kind in relation to the analysis or information contained in this website or the completeness or accuracy of such information. The information contained in this website may not be copied, transmitted, amended or reproduced in any form whatsoever without the prior consent of RHCLD Limited trading as Citywide Financial Solutions

Privacy Statement (Purpose of Website)
This website is for informational purposes only. By accessing this site, you are deemed to agree to the terms set out hereunder. You should not rely on the information contained in this site to take action without consulting RHCLD Limited trading as Citywide Financial Solutions. You may only rely on advice provided by Citywide Financial Solutions if we are engaged by you to provide such advice. By accessing, browsing, or using this Site, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and accepted the practices described in this Policy. Please read this Policy carefully and be aware that we may change it at any time.

Use of Site
The sole permitted purpose of this Site is for you to learn more about Citywide Financial Solutions and to contact us. Information Collection At Present: Citywide Financial does not collect information in respect of visitors to this site. If you send us an email, we may retain your information to contact you in the future unless you specifically ask us not to, either now or in the future. Sharing and Disclosure of Information Citywide Financial will not disclose information about you, your company or your employees to third parties unless required for the conduct of business which you have engaged us to perform. However, if we are required to disclose information about you to comply with legal requirements, we will do so and if empowered by law we will advise you of this requirement.

Online Quotations
The Online quotations on this website are provided Broker Information Services Ltd. The quotations are based on information that is valid at the date of the quotation however this is subject to verification by the Insurance Company and subject to underwriting by the Insurance Company on receipt of a completed application form. The data collected by the quotations is temporary data used solely for the purposes of providing indicative, non-binding insurance quotations and is not stored by Citywide Financial or Broker Information Services Ltd. If you choose to “Apply For Cover” following receipt of quotation, you consent to be contacted by Citywide Financial. The details you have entered will be sent to Citywide Financial and you will be contacted by a Qualified Financial Advisor (QFA). If at any time you wish to withdraw your consent to be contacted, please notify us by emailing:- or writing to us at Citywide Financial Solutions, 238 Swords Road, Santry, Dublin 9.

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