When Protection Is About More Than Just Money

Helping Hand gives you one on one personal support with your own dedicated nurse from RedArc who can help you and your family members cope with the effects of illness and bereavement.
With over 20 years’ experience, RedArc has earned a reputation for an excellent service which supports individuals and their families through serious illness, chronic health conditions, disabilities and bereavement.
Your own medical team will obviously be focusing on your treatment, however RedArc helps by providing a listening ear, helpful information, and emotional support for you and your family. (the spouse or partner of the Royal London Life Assured and also their children.)
When can you use Helping Hand?
Helping Hand is available to use from the very first day your policy starts – it’s not simply for when you’re putting in a claim. It doesn’t cost anything extra to avail of and your spouse/partner and children can use it too.
In essence it provides the additional support you might need beyond a financial payout.
What can you avail of through Helping Hand to speed up recovery?
Bereavement Counsellors or
Speech & Language Therapists or
A second medical opinion ( face to face) or
Complementary therapies or
Physiotherapy for specific serious health conditions or
Many others depending on nurse assessment.
These additional specialist therapies are only provided if recommended by your RedArc nurse and are limited to one type of therapy.
Helping Hand is only available to new Royal London Lives Assured (since April 2014) and their partner/spouse and children.

For more information, get in touch
01 513 8710